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Gwen Williams

Gwen Williams

Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences Johnston County
Street Address: 2736 NC Highway 210
Smithfield, NC 27577
Mailing Address: 2736 NC Highway 210
Smithfield, NC 27577

Job Description As your Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agent, I work with all age groups within all of our Johnston County communities to educate and encourage healthy living. Some programs offered to adults in Johnston County are Food Preservation and Canning workshops, ServSafe Classes, Healthy By Design paint and learn workshops here at the Ag Center. For children and teens, I offer cooking schools and/or classes and working in the schools teaching students to form healthy habits through a variety of activities and taste tests of healthy snacks. I will be offering story time and sampling of in season foods from Johnston County farmers. Specific programs offered through extension are Cook Smart Eat Smart, Steps to Health, Med Instead of Meds, freezer to crockpot workshops, meal planning workshops, nutrition facts label workshops, and many others. Feel free to contact me for more information. I look forward to working with each of you!

Recent Posts by Gwen Williams

earth on white plate with silver cover next to plate.

Global Cuisine Cooking Classes

Global Cuisine Cooking Classes Exploring healthy eating options and tasty food combinations from around the world to revive your weekly meal …

Welcome to the Johnston County Family & Consumer Sciences Newsletter. Thank you for joining me! I am Gwen Williams and happy to be your FCS Extension Agent in Johnston County. My goal is to provide community members with education, knowledge, and confidence about foods, nutrition, health, budgeting, and the home. My job is to be a valuable resource for all Joco residents who want to lead a healthier lifestyle through research-based and nutrition based programs. My goal is to help you make healthy choices while staying within your budget. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions about food, nutrition, food preservation, recipes, living a healthier lifestyle, or anything related to the home or family. You may give me a call or email me to learn about useful workshops, classes, and programs offered through FCS Extension. Be sure to subscribe to this newsletter to receive updates and information about all the programs offered through FCS Extension. The link to subscribe is on the last page of the newsletter. You can find me at

Fall 2024 Joco J-I-T Jam Newsletter

It’s that time again! The Fall Quarterly Newsletter from your Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agent. Please find the …

Canning jars with green beans, carrots.Just Canning where we cover the safe and scientific methods for canning. These classes will cover water bath canning vs pressure canning. Jams & Jellies, salsa, and dilly beans vs green beans. These classes are for the cook who has had some canning experience.

Just Canning Class

N.C. Cooperative Extension, Johnston County Center invites you to join us for Just Canning Tuesdays June 4, 11, and 18 from 5:30 …

Tan background with cartoon chef.This class will cover whole meat pressure canning & dehydrating. You will learn to how to turn ground beef into jerky and to safely marinate that jerky! This class is for the cook who has had some canning experience.

Meat Preservation Class

N.C. Cooperative Extension, Johnston County Center invites you to join us for Meat Preservation Class Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to …

Image 1 has volunteers serving food at an event. Image 2 is showing food being served onto a plates. Image 3 has several people around a table selling baked goods.

Safe Plates Community Meal Events

This series is $20.00 per person. Safe Plates Community Meal Events registration Certification as a Safe Plates Food Handler is available …

Red Jam in clear glass container

Food Preservation classes

Food Preservation Classes Please join us for the Food Preservation classes Tuesdays April 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 from 5:30 …

Med instead of meds with fish and tomatoes, broccoli, onion, orange.

Med Instead of Meds

Join us for the Med instead of Meds series. Med Instead of Meds was created by a group of nutritionists …

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